Jueves, 13 Marzo de 2025


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Libros editados por investigadores del Instituto de Ingeniería

1. Libro: Food Industrial Processes - Methods and Equipment
Editor: Dr. Benjamín Valdez
Editorial: INTECH
ISBN: 978-953-307-905-9
Liga: http://www.intechopen.com/books/show/title/scientific-health-and-social-aspects-of-the-food-industry

2. Libro: Environmental and Industrial Corrosion - Practical and Theoretical Aspects
Editor: Benjamín Valdez Salas y Michael Schorr
Editorial: INTECH
ISBN: 978-953-51-0877-1

InTech's Books Donated to Central Library of the Autonomous University of Baja California

1. Libro: Scientific, Health and Social Aspects of the Food Industry

Editor: Dr. Benjamín Valdez
Coeditores: Michael Schorr y Roumen Zlatev 
Editorial: INTECH
ISBN: 978-953-307-916-5
Liga: http://www.intechopen.com/books/show/title/scientific-health-and-social-aspects-of-the-food-industry

2. Libro: Biodiesel - Feedstocks and Processing Technologies
Editor: Dra. Margarita Stoytcheva y Dra. Gisela Montero
Editorial: INTECH ISBN: 978-953-307-713-0
Liga: http://www.intechopen.com/books/show/title/biodiesel-feedstocks-and-processing-technologies

3. Libro: Biodiesel - Quality, Emissions and By-Products
Editor: Dra. Gisela Montero y Dra. Margarita Stoytcheva
Editorial: INTECH ISBN: 978-953-307-784-0
Liga: http://www.intechopen.com/books/show/title/biodiesel-quality-emissions-and-by-products

4. Libro: Pesticides – The impacts of pesticides exposure
Editor: Dra. Margarita Stoytcheva
Editorial: INTECH ISBN: 978-953-307-531-0
Liga: http://www.intechopen.com/books/show/title/pesticides-the-impacts-of-pesticides-exposure

5. Libro: Pesticides in the Modern World – Trends in pesticides analysis
Editor: Dra. Margarita Stoytcheva
Editorial: INTECH ISBN: 978-953-307-437-5
Liga: http://www.intechopen.com/books/show/title/pesticides-in-the-modern-world-trends-in-pesticides-analysis

6. Libro: Pesticides in the modern world – pests control and pesticides exposure and toxicity assessment
Editor: Dra. Margarita Stoytcheva
Editorial: INTECH
ISBN: 978-953-307-457-3
Liga: http://www.intechopen.com/books/show/title/pesticides-in-the-modern-world-pests-control-and-pesticides-exposure-and-toxicity-assessment

7. Libro: Pesticides – formulations, effects, fate
Editor: Dra. Margarita Stoytcheva
Editorial: INTECH
ISBN: 978-953-307-532-7
Liga: http://www.intechopen.com/books/show/title/pesticides-formulations-effects-fate

8. Libro: Pesticides in the modern world - pesticides use and management
Editor: Dra. Margarita Stoytcheva
Editorial: INTECH
ISBN: 978-953-307-459-7
Liga: http://www.intechopen.com/books/show/title/pesticides-in-the-modern-world-pesticides-use-and-management

9. Libro: Pesticides in the modern world – effects of pesticides exposure
Editor: Dra. Margarita Stoytcheva
Editorial: INTECH
ISBN: 978-953-307-454-2
Liga: http://www.intechopen.com/books/show/title/pesticides-in-the-modern-world-effects-of-pesticides-exposure

10. Libro: Pesticides – strategies for pesticides analysis
Editor: Dra. Margarita Stoytcheva
Editorial: INTECH
ISBN: 978-953-307-460-3
Liga: http://www.intechopen.com/books/show/title/pesticides-strategies-for-pesticides-analysis

11. Libro: Pesticides in the modern world – risks and benefits
Editor: Dra. Margarita Stoytcheva
Editorial: INTECH
ISBN: 978-953-307-458-0
Liga: http://www.intechopen.com/books/show/title/pesticides-in-the-modern-world-risks-and-benefits

12. Libro: Optoelectronic devices and properties
Editor: Dr. Oleg Sergiyenko
Editorial: INTECH
ISBN: 978-953-307-204-3
Liga: http://www.intechopen.com/books/show/title/optoelectronic-devices-and-properties

13. Libro: Desalination, trends and technologies
Editor: Michael Schorr
Editorial: INTECH
ISBN: 978-953-307-311-8
Liga: http://www.intechopen.com/books/show/title/desalination-trends-and-technologies


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